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Insights & Solutions

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May 2018 Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn about an innovative clinic design and care-delivery model, as well as the real-time locating system (RTLS) technology that supports it. Yet how do you design a clinic and its workflow without a waiting room, where exam rooms are always free for the next patient, where patients make their own way through the halls, and where providers and staff easily know where to go next?

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February 2014 Webinar

This webinar will guide you through incorporating ambulatory care design trends and evidenced-based design principles when designing for ambulatory facilities. Learn from success stories at the UW Health – Yahara Clinic, an outpatient facility in Monona, Wisconsin. The presentation highlights Yahara Clinic’s operational concept of self-rooming and design for Integrated Care Team space. Post occupancy outcomes will be shared, including an 83% reduction in staff footsteps and 25% improvement in patient satisfaction scores. 

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August 2013 Webinar

This webinar discusses how different modeling and simulation approaches best serve different goals. Learn how statistical methods allow models to be run over time and predict future needs for people, space and equipment. Virtual reality and full scale mockup methods allow a wider range of stakeholders to meaningfully participate throughout a design process, including during early design. Modeling and simulation can also support and amplify the impact of an EBD-based design program. 

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May 2013 Webinar

Positive distractions have been found to reduce stress and improve healthcare outcomes. However, research on this topic is generally lacking in certain pediatric settings. This webinar details recent studies that examined the effects of positive distraction interventions on pediatric patients and their families but used different methods in different settings. The in-depth findings and practical knowledge around the process of implementing two research studies is beneficial to researchers and designers.

Project Brief
March 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: the contribution technologies made to improve patient outcomes, the use of multiple technologies to improve patient care, and the strategies used by the design team to avoid creating a solitary feeling for the nurses working in a decentralized configuration.