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Insights & Solutions

January 2024 Workshop

As individuals age, physical, mental, and societal challenges become more prevalent. This intensive one-day virtual workshop explores those challenges and discusses programming and design interventions that can assist people (and care givers). Expert faculty will present case studies and examples that integrate architecture, design and technology into living environments that are not only safe, but foster wellness and longevity. 

January 2023 Workshop

Together, faculty thought leaders and attendees will explore gaps in the current system and consider the latest in design thinking for healthy aging in various settings across the continuum of care. Presenters will identify state-of-the-art best practices and possible new solutions that enhance access to nature, engagement with technology, resilience, and meaning and purpose. Through presentations, case studies and panel discussions, attendees will gain new insights, have opportunities to pose questions to workshop faculty, and interact with fellow attendees in fun and innovative ways.  

August 2022 Workshop

As individuals age, physical, mental, and societal challenges become more prevalent. This intensive virtual workshop explores those obstacles and discusses programming and design interventions that can assist individuals and care givers. Expert faculty will present examples that integrate architecture, design and technology into living environments that are not only safe, but foster wellness and longevity.

April 2021 Workshop
The Workshop 

As individuals age, physical, mental, and societal challenges become more prevalent. This intensive one-day virtual workshop explores those challenges and discusses programming and design interventions that can assist people (and caregivers). Expert faculty will present case studies and examples that integrate architecture, design and technology into living environments that are not only safe, but foster wellness and longevity.

September 2020 Workshop
The Workshop


In this workshop, expert faculty will share current physical, mental and societal challenges posed when individuals age, discuss programming and design interventions that can assist people (and their care givers) with those challenges, and present case studies and examples that integrate architecture, design and technology into healthy, safe living environments.