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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how talking rooms can complement consultation-based care, how workstation design can help balance a team-based care approach and staff retention efforts, and how design can maximize the accessibility to transportation and community amenities.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
September 2011 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal for this project was to improve efficiency, safety, and satisfaction for both patients and staff with the design of a new bed tower for the hospital, a place where patients get better and where staff wishes to work.

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how Palomar Health facilitated an improvement in patient-provider and staff communication, about the multiple benefits of the organization's new decentralized nursing stations, and how the newly designed healing environment contributed to patient comfort and satisfaction.

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: sustainable healthcare and what it means to Adelante, the organization's method to evaluate design and operational needs for their new flagship facility, and specific strategies implemented to improve patient and provider communication.

March 2015 Blog

Life in most healthcare organizations passes at a rapid pace. Sounds familiar, right? And in the frenzy of the moment, you probably find that opportunities for your staff to communicate with one another are often overlooked. Yet such internal communication is essential for efficiency, safety, and consistency in patient care. So how do you find that balance without tipping the scale?