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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: methods to minimize patient wait times and maximize use of hospital space, guiding principles implemented in a Seattle children’s hospital to improve patient and provider communication, and how architects, healthcare providers, and families can collaborate to design a patient-centered emergency department.

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: evidence-based design solutions to address throughput challenges in today’s overcrowded emergency departments, the importance of aligning research design with organizational operations and processes for successful research, and the advantages of basing research methods on previous studies. 

Project Brief
April 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: unique ways that a pediatric replacement hospital leverages its small urban footprint to meet the high demand for ED services, why locating the emergency department on the second floor was the most efficient way to use limited space, and how a three-pod design enables the ED to flex at different times of day for varying levels of demand.

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: the design features implemented to create a patient- and family-centered space, the importance of working with like-minded partners who can maintain the vision of the project, and the importance of considering the culture of the organization in conjunction with the new space.

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how the architecture firm's observations informed design solutions for the new clinic, about design methods to improve staff collaboration and maintain patient privacy, and about spaces that allowed caregivers to begin exams immediately after patients arrived.