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Ergonomics Principles Associated with Laparoscopic Surgeon Injury/Illness

Author(s): Miller, K., Benden, M.., Pickens, A., Shipp, A., & Zheng, Q.
Although laparoscopic procedures significantly benefit patients in terms of decreased recovery times and improved outcomes, they contribute to mental fatigue and musculoskeletal problems among surgeons. A variety of ergonomic interventions and applications are implemented by surgeons to reduce health problems.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

The Effect of Hospital Unit Layout on Nurse Walking Behavior

Author(s): Yi, L., Seo, H.-B.
Over the course of a typical shift, nurses spend a lot of time on their feet, walking back and forth on the unit to take care of patients' needs. The long distances that nurses walk is a topic of concern in the industry. Some believe it may potentially impact the amount of time spent with patients and also because of the physical toll on nurses, day after day. Researchers are attempting to understand whether unit layout and design might be revised to reduce walking distances and create efficiencies that enhance patient care.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Long-Term Efficacy of an Ergonomics Program That Includes Patient-Handling Devices on Reducing Musculoskeletal Injuries to Nursing Personnel

Author(s): Garg, A., Kapellusch, J. M.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, according to the authors, reports that nursing staff face musculoskeletal injuries (MSDs) in all types of healthcare facilities. Nurse aides (NAs) in particular have the highest rate of staying away from work because of these injuries.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Medical Gas Cylinder and Bulk Tank Storage

Author(s): McLaughlin, S., Dagenais, D.
There are particular requirements for storing medical gas cylinders as well as requirements for bulk tank storage in healthcare settings; these regulatory requirements exist specifically for cylinders that are not in use. In use refers to cylinders being used by a patient, or attached to equipment and ready for immediate use, or located in patient rooms about to be used. Requirements vary depending on the total amount of cubic feet of gas needing to be stored, with the most stringent regulations for more than 3,000 cubic feet of gas, less stringent requirements for 300-3,000 cubic feet of gas, and the least stringent requirements for less than 300 cubic feet of gas. These requirements are in place to reduce the risk of accident and injury.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014