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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Influence of chromatic and lighting on the visual environment of the elderly: A critical literature review

Author(s): Guerry, E., Caumon, C., Bécheras, E., Zissis, G.
Added July 2022

The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and improve sleep

Author(s): Vethe, D., Scott, J., Engstrøm, M., Salvesen, Ø., Sand, T., Olsen, A., Morken, G., Heglum, H. S., Kjørstad, K., Faaland, P. M., Vestergaard, C. L., Langsrud, K., Kallestad, H.
Added October 2021

Let there be blue-depleted light: In-patient dark therapy, circadian rhythms and length of stay

Author(s): Scott, J., Langsrud, K., Goulding, I. R., Kallestad, H.
Added September 2021

The effect of blue-enriched lighting on medical error rate in a university hospital ICU

Author(s): Chen, Y., Broman, A. T., Priest, G., Landrigan, C. P., Rahman, S. A., Lockley, S. W.
Added September 2021

Addressing visual comfort issues in healthcare facilities using LED lighting technology - A review on daylighting importance, impact of correlated colour temperature, human responses and other visual comfort parameters

Author(s): Perumal, S. R., Baharum, F., Mohd Nawi, M. N.
Added May 2021

Interior daylight environment of an elderly nursing home in Beijing

Author(s): Yang, H., Guo, B., Shi, Y., Jia, C., Li, X., Liu, F.
Added May 2021

Integrated energy, daylighting and visual comfort analysis of window systems in patient rooms

Author(s): Eisazadeh, N., Allacker, K., Troyer, F. D.
Added April 2021

Patients’ self-reported recovery after an environmental intervention aimed to support patient’s circadian rhythm in intensive care

Author(s): Engwall, M.
Added April 2021

Understanding older adults’ perception and usage of indoor lighting in independent senior living

Author(s): Kim, D., Chang, C., Margrett, J.
Added February 2021

Lighting the patient room of the future: Evaluating different lighting conditions for performing typical nursing tasks

Author(s): Graves, E., Davis, R. G., DuBose, J., Campiglia, G. C., Wilkerson, A., Zimring, C.
Added December 2020

Prioritization of passive measures for energy optimization designing of sustainable hospitals and health centres

Author(s): Balali, A., Valipour, A.
Added November 2020