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Knowledge Repository

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From the nurses' station to the health team hub: How can design promote interprofessional collaboration?

Author(s): Gum, Lyn Frances, Prideaux, David, Sweet, Linda, Greenhill, Jennene
The nurses’ station serves a diverse array of purposes, one being that it acts as a space for communication and interprofessional collaboration. Previous studies have shown that the design of the nurses’ station alone can impact aspects of patient and staff privacy, walking distance, and access to resources. But no known studies prior to this paper have examined specifically the influence of nurse station design on the frequency and quality of interprofessional practice.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

The Effect of a Safe Zone on Nurse Distractions, Interruptions, and Medication Administration Errors

Author(s): Yoder, M., Schadewald, D.
Added May 2016

Analytical models to determine room requirements in outpatient clinics.

Author(s): Hulshof, P. J. H., Vanberkel, P. T., Boucherie, R. J., Hans, E. W., van Houdenhoven, M., van Ommeren, J.-K. C. W.
Added June 2015

Designing for distractions: a human factors approach to decreasing interruptions at a centralised medication station

Author(s): Colligan, L., Guerlain, S., Steck, S. E., Hoke, T. R.
According to the authors, literature indicates that interruptions during the administration of medication in healthcare settings can lead to errors, and that such errors are likely to cause more harm in pediatric settings. The medication station in the study hospital is centrally located with an open design targeted to reduce nurse walking and increase time with patients.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Linking acoustics and floor-plate shape qualities of healthcare settings

Author(s): Okcu, S., Shpuza, E., Ryherd, E., Zimring, C.
Added November 2014

Impact of Isolation on Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Scores: Is Isolation Isolating?

Author(s): Vinski, J., Bertin, M., Sun, Z., Gordon, S. M., Bokar, D., Merlino, J., Fraser, T. G.
Added November 2014

Sound Levels, Staff Perceptions, and Patient Outcomes During Renovation Near the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Author(s): Trickey, A. W., Arnold, C. C., Parmar, A., Lasky, R. E.
Added September 2014

The Effect of Hospital Unit Layout on Nurse Walking Behavior

Author(s): Yi, L., Seo, H.-B.
Over the course of a typical shift, nurses spend a lot of time on their feet, walking back and forth on the unit to take care of patients' needs. The long distances that nurses walk is a topic of concern in the industry. Some believe it may potentially impact the amount of time spent with patients and also because of the physical toll on nurses, day after day. Researchers are attempting to understand whether unit layout and design might be revised to reduce walking distances and create efficiencies that enhance patient care.
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Rethinking Efficiency in Acute Care Nursing Units: Analyzing Nursing Unit Layouts for Improved Spatial Flow

Author(s): Zadeh, R. S., Shepley, M. M., Waggener, L. T.
Added September 2014

Same-handed patient room configurations: anecdotal and empirical evidence

Author(s): Stichler, J. F., McCullough, C.
Added September 2014