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Displaying 61 - 80 of 91

The Legacy of Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory: Nursing Research Focusing on the Impact of Healthcare Environments

Author(s): Zborowsky, T.
Added May 2015

An empirical examination of the impacts of decentralized nursing unit design

Author(s): Pati, D., Harvey, T. E., Redden, P., Summers, B., Pati, S.
Added March 2015

The effect of hospital design on indoor daylight quality in children section in King Abdullah University Hospital, Jordan

Author(s): Alzoubi, H. H., Al-Rqaibat, S. M.
Previous studies have shown that natural lighting in assisted-living homes and hospitals can help reduce heating costs while benefitting the physiological and psychological states of patients and staff. Exposure to sunlight has been associated with reduced mortality rates among cancer patients, with mood improvements, and with reduced lengths of hospitalization for patients receiving treatment for myocardial infarction.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Emergency department observation units: A clinical and financial benefit for hospitals

Author(s): Baugh, C.W., Venkatesh, A. K., Bohan, J. S.
This article presents a review of literature to make a clinical and business case for establishing EDOUs. The literature was found to indicate that EDOU care contributes to more effective clinical decision-making and the generation of higher revenue than the same patients would if admitted and then discharged.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Optimizing Emergency Department Front-End Operations

Author(s): Wiler, J. L., Gentle, C., Halfpenny, J. M., Heins, A., Mehrotra, A., Mikhail, M. G., Fite, D.
Added March 2015

Travel in Nursing Units

Author(s): Lippert, S.
The author refers to previous studies where the comparison of nurses’ travel in nursing units was done using different methods and on the basis of the unit layout, without taking into consideration nurses’ activities. The author developed a mathematical model, the Tour Model, to enable a universal comparison of nurses’ travels in units with different layouts.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2015

Inpatient fall prevention: Use of in-room Webcams

Author(s): Hardin, S. R., Dienemann, J., Rudisill, P., Mills, K. K.
The National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) maintains data on patient falls nationally. Reported fall rates have ranged from 2.2 to 7 per 1000 admissions; 10% to 25% of falls result in an injury, depending on patient population. Falls adversely impact hospital costs as well as patient costs and overall well-being. The California HealthCare Foundation reported that technological innovations in the field of fall prevention, such as wireless patient monitoring systems, resulted in faster nurse response times and increased satisfaction for both patients and staff.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Including patients, staff and visitors in the design of the psychiatric milieu

Author(s): Perkins, N. H.
Most research addressing environmental design for healthcare facilities focuses on expert-determined and expert-driven outcomes. Little attention has been given to the perspectives offered by those who are ultimately using the facilities, namely the patients, staff, and visitors. Participatory design and planning (PDP) is a method that takes these non-expert opinions into consideration while operating under three assumptions. First, healthcare facilities are complex environments that require a team of people who can understand and maintain structured information necessary for optimum design.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Space to care and treat safely in acute hospitals: Recommendations from 1866 to 2008

Author(s): Hignett, S., Lu, J.
Bed space, defined in this study as the area around an individual bed offering privacy either as a curtained or screened cubicle or a single room in a ward holding multiple occupants, is the most frequently repeated design envelope in an acute care hospital. Since patients, staff, visitors, and other people will occupy this space at one point or another for a variety of different purposes, a complex design challenge exists. In 1893, Florence Nightingale successfully argued for less cramped bedrooms and overall improvements in hospital designs.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Health care aides use of time in a residential long-term care unit: A time and motion study

Author(s): Mallidou, A. A., Cummings, G. G., Schalm, C., Estabrooks, C. A.
Added December 2014

Designing for distractions: a human factors approach to decreasing interruptions at a centralised medication station

Author(s): Colligan, L., Guerlain, S., Steck, S. E., Hoke, T. R.
According to the authors, literature indicates that interruptions during the administration of medication in healthcare settings can lead to errors, and that such errors are likely to cause more harm in pediatric settings. The medication station in the study hospital is centrally located with an open design targeted to reduce nurse walking and increase time with patients.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Impact of Hospital Unit Design for Patient-Centered Care on Nurses’ Behavior

Author(s): Seo, H.-B., Choi, Y.-S., Zimring, C.
Added December 2014

Caring or uncaring – meanings of being in an oncology environment

Author(s): Edvardsson, D., Sandman, P. O., Rasmussen, B.
The idea that the physical environment impacts health and well-being has been explored throughout history. In modern contexts, studies have been conducted to show how hospital design features such as art and views of natural scenery can positively influence patient experience, and how environmental variables such as sound, architecture, and color can affect different biomedical responses in...
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Factors influencing evaluation of patient areas, work spaces, and staff areas by healthcare professionals

Author(s): Sadatsafavi, H., Walewski, J., Shepley, M. M.
One important element of high-quality healthcare delivery is a motivated and satisfied staff. Healthcare executives should regularly examine the factors that influence clinicians’ perceptions of satisfaction and quality so that necessary changes can be addressed.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Linking acoustics and floor-plate shape qualities of healthcare settings

Author(s): Okcu, S., Shpuza, E., Ryherd, E., Zimring, C.
Added November 2014

The effects of physical environments in medical wards on medication communication processes affecting patient safety

Author(s): Liu, W., Manias, E., Gerdtz, M.
The physical environment of a hospital has a wide range of effects on the quality of care administered to patients. In the context of medication distribution, seamless communication among healthcare professionals of different backgrounds is imperative, and in many cases the physical environment itself can have positive or negative effects on this complex process.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Speech intelligibility in hospitals

Author(s): Ryherd, E. E., Moller, M., Jr, Hsu, T.
Added November 2014

Impact of Isolation on Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Scores: Is Isolation Isolating?

Author(s): Vinski, J., Bertin, M., Sun, Z., Gordon, S. M., Bokar, D., Merlino, J., Fraser, T. G.
Added November 2014

Thermal comfort of the surgical staff in the operating room

Author(s): van Gaever, R., Jacobs, V. A., Diltoer, M., Peeters, L., Vanlanduit, S.
Added November 2014

Building design and performance: A comparative longitudinal assessment of a children's hospital

Author(s): Thiel, C. L., Needy, K. L., Ries, R., Hupp, D., Bilec, M. M.
The aesthetics and design of a medical treatment facility can influence energy consumption, staff performance, and patient recovery. Evidence-Based Design (EBD) has been cited in many studies as an effective way to improve healthcare outcomes and hospitals’ performance, but further investigation is needed. This is particularly true at a whole-building level, to reveal the relationship between building design and health, and to observe the performance of newer building designs, especially with regard to green healthcare buildings.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014