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Knowledge Repository

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Hospital-Acquired Legionnaires Disease in a University Hospital: Impact of the Copper-Silver Ionization System

Author(s): Mòdol, J., Sabrià, M., Reynaga, E., Pedro-Botet, M. L.
We evaluated the impact of the copper-silver ionization system in a hospital where hyperendemic nosocomial legionellosis and was present and all previous disinfection measures had failed. After implementation of the copper-silver ionization system, environmental colonization with Legionella species decreased significantly, and the incidence of nosocomial legionellosis decreased dramatically, from...
Key Point Summary
Added September 2014

Flooring as an intervention to reduce injuries from falls in healthcare settings: an overview

Author(s): Drahota, A., Gal, D., Windsor, J.
As the elderly population grows, the risk of falls in healthcare settings and of injuries resulting from falls will increase, as this population exhibits higher risk for falling due to age-related factors. Researchers have long focused on variables that impact fall prevention in healthcare settings; yet, since prevention of all falls is not possible, and about 30% of patient falls result in injury, there is growing interest in understanding strategies for injury prevention, to reduce the more serious cost and health implications of falls.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014