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Displaying 101 - 120 of 135

Impact of Music Therapy Interventions (Listening, Composition, Orff-Based) on the Physiological and Psychosocial Behaviors of Hospitalized Children: A Feasibility Study

Author(s): Colwell, C. M., Edwards, R., Hernandez, E., Brees, K.
The hospital experience can impact the physical and mental health of a child. Prior research has shown that music therapy can have a positive effect on mood, anxiety, respiratory distress, and behavioral distress. And although listening to music is the most common form of music therapy, songwriting and physically making music have also been used as a positive coping strategy for children within a hospital environment.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2014

A novel night lighting system for postural control and stability in seniors

Author(s): Figueiro, M. G., Gras, L., Qi, R., Rizzo, P., Rea, M., Rea, M. S.
Age-related changes may result in impaired balance control, and thus can lead to increase risk of falls among the elderly. Visual information provides a spatial reference for self-position and location of obstacles within a person’s environment. Lack of this information results in increased body sway. In addition, low ambient light levels reduce postural control. Therefore, this study investigated the effectiveness of a novel self-luminous light emitting diode (LED) night-lighting system that provided linear spatial orientation cues plus low ambient lighting for enhancing postural control in healthy seniors.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2014

Being hospitalized with a newly- diagnosed chronic illness - A phenomenological study of children’s lifeworld in the hospital

Author(s): Ekra, E. M. R., Gjengedal, E.
Research regarding children within the hospital environment has typically been investigated using adult insight into the needs and preferences of children. However, current research has begun to use the child’s perspective to gain understanding on how the quality of the hospital environment influences the child’s experiences when facing an illness that requires hospitalization.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2014

Quality Improvement Practices: Enhancing Quality of Life During Mealtimes

Author(s): Evans, B. C., Crogan, N. L.
Studies identified that malnutrition affects up to 54% of the 1.5 million Americans over age 65 who reside in the nation’s 20,000 nursing homes and can lead to death or chronic disability. Physical causes of malnutrition include altered sensation, medication effects, and impaired feeding ability. Psychological causes include cognitive impairment, depression, and social isolation. Mealtime is also a very important time of day for residents of nursing homes since it is a time for socialization, remembering family and past events, and enjoying the sensory experience of eating. The mealtime experience can enhance the quality of life for residents in nursing homes.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2014

Nurses’ Perception of Single-Occupancy Versus Multioccupancy Rooms in Acute Care Environments: An Exploratory Comparative Assessment

Author(s): Chaudhury, H., Mahmood, A., Valente, M.
As people are living longer and the baby boomers age, the demand for hospital beds will increase. As new facilities are built to handle this influx of patients, the challenge for hospital designers and administrators is to design patient rooms that promote therapeutic goals, foster positive patient outcomes, and function as intensive care rooms. Recent research suggests that single-occupancy rooms are more suitable for infection control and patient care than multioccupancy rooms. However, no research has been done about nursing staff members’ perception of single-occupancy and multioccupancy patient rooms in acute care settings as it relates to patient care.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2014

Interventions for the prevention of falls in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Author(s): Chang, J.T., Morton, S.C, Rubenstein, L. Z., Mojica, W.A., Maglione, M., Suttorp, M.J., Shekelle, P. G.
Falls are a major health concern for older adults worldwide, not only because of the potential for fractures and head injuries, but also for the emotional toll—the fear and anxiety—that can develop as a result of an injury or close call. While the literature on fall interventions is vast, there is limited understanding about the best methods for preventing falls. The authors conducted an extensive review and analysis of relevant, rigorous research trials to assess the relative effectiveness of different types of fall interventions. Under comparison were falls risk assessment and management programs, exercise programs, environmental modification programs, and educational interventions.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014

Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention on falls in nursing home residents

Author(s): Becker, C., Kron, M., Lindemann, U., Sturm, E., Eichner, B., Walter-Jung, B., Nikolaus, T.
Older people are particularly susceptible to falls and fractures due to mobility limitations and physical instability. Falls and fractures commonly result in functional deterioration, increased medical costs, and increased burden for all involved in the care setting. Attempts to prevent falls and reduce fall and fracture incidence rates both at home and in long-term care facilities span from educational interventions to adjustments of medication intake to environmental adaptations.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014

Flooring as an intervention to reduce injuries from falls in healthcare settings: an overview

Author(s): Drahota, A., Gal, D., Windsor, J.
As the elderly population grows, the risk of falls in healthcare settings and of injuries resulting from falls will increase, as this population exhibits higher risk for falling due to age-related factors. Researchers have long focused on variables that impact fall prevention in healthcare settings; yet, since prevention of all falls is not possible, and about 30% of patient falls result in injury, there is growing interest in understanding strategies for injury prevention, to reduce the more serious cost and health implications of falls.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014

A controlled trial of the impact of exposure to positive images of dentistry on anticipatory dental fear in children

Author(s): Fox, C., Newton, J.
Many children are anxious about visiting the dentist, but viewing positive images of dentistry for 2 minutes in the waiting room prior to their appointment significantly reduced study participants’ anticipatory dental anxiety.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014

Clinical review: The impact of noise on patients’ sleep and the effectiveness of noise reduction strategies in intensive care units

Author(s): Xie, H., Kang, J., Mills, G. H.
The World Health Organization recommends that noise levels in hospitals stay below 30 dBA at night to allow for better rest, yet excessive noise is prevalent in many healthcare settings, including intensive care units (ICUs). Research indicates that, since the 1960s, noise levels in hospitals increased by an average of 0.38 dBA (day) and 0.42 dBA (night) per year. Other research reports that the noise level in ICUs ranges from 50 to 75 dBA, with a night peak level soaring to 103 dBA. It’s easy to see why sleep disturbance is common among these vulnerable patients.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2014

Nurses’ Perceptions of How physical Environment Affects Medication Errors in Acute Care Settings

Author(s): Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Valente, M.
Medication errors in hospitals occur for a number of reasons, stemming from staff and organizational issues to aspects of the physical environment. Errors include omissions, giving the wrong type or amount of medication, and giving the wrong patient unneeded medication. Research has indicated that a significant amount of these errors are avoidable.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2014

Servicescape: Physical environment of hospital pharmacies and hospital pharmacists’ work outcomes

Author(s): Lin, B.Y.-J., Leu, W.-J., Breen, G.-M., Lin, W.-H.
Researchers have studied the healthcare work environment from a number of angles, from an organizational behavior perspective honing in on motivation and reward, to an occupational and environmental perspective concerned with comfort and ergonomics, to a pathogenic perspective interested in exposure to disease. The idea of a “servicescape” has arisen in healthcare marketing to investigate the impact of the physical environment of service settings on employees’ psychological states and perceptions.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2014

Characteristics of the Nighttime Hospital Bedside Care Environment (Sound, Light, and Temperature) for Children With Cancer

Author(s): Linder, L. A., Christian, B. J.
Children with cancer have a lot to cope with aside from their disease and its treatment. Often, they are in unfamiliar healthcare environments that may be too noisy or bright to facilitate uninterrupted sleep. However, not much is known about the sound and light levels in either pediatric or adult inpatient oncology units.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Effects of low humidity and high air velocity in a heated room on physiological responses and thermal comfort after bathing: An experimental study

Author(s): Hashiguchi, N., Tochihara, T.
Winter often brings low humidity and high air flow from HVAC systems that may cause health-related issues for patients and can impact how comfortable they are before and after a bath.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

The sound environment in an ICU patient room—a content analysis of sound levels and patient experiences

Author(s): Johansson, L., Bergbom, I., Wayeb, K. P., Ryherd, E., Lindahl, B.
This study was a prestudy for the planning and design of a larger one, where the aim is to investigate the relationship between sound (objective and subjective) and adult intensive care unit (ICU) delirium and/or other factors. It used sound measurement, behavioral observation, and interview methods. The results provide a good list of sound/noise impact on patients and subsequent ICU design considerations.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2014

Lighting and perceptual cues: Effects on gait measures of older adults at high and low risk for falls

Author(s): Figueiro, M., Plitnik, B., Rea, M., Gras, L., Rea, M. S.
The visual system plays an important role in maintaining balance while navigating the environment. Older adults often depend heavily on visual information to maintain balance and orientation due to age related changes that affect their vestibular system (contributes to balance and spatial orientation) and somatosensory system (that moderates sensations of touch, smell etc.). Even small reductions in visibility could severely impact their gait and balance and potentially result in a fall. Even in healthy older adults, gait becomes slower and step lengths become shorter under dim lighting conditions.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2012

Does the type of flooring affect the risk of hip fracture?

Author(s): Simpson, A. H. R. W. , Lamb, S. , Roberts, P. J. , Gardner, T.N. , Grimley, E.J.
Hip fractures are a serious consequence of falls, especially for aging populations. Number of hip fractures occuring worldwide is estimated to reach 6.3 million worldwide, by the year 2050. Conventionally the issue of fractures has been looked at in terms of intrinsic factors related to the patient. Extrinsic factors that could affect the impact, such as the floor (or surface of the impact) have not been investigated in great details. This UK based study seeks to fill this gap in the research.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effects of waiting on the satisfaction with the service: Beyond objective time measures

Author(s): Pruyn, A., Smidts, A.
Wait times are a persistent concern in healthcare today. It is a concern that healthcare shares with other service industries. To counter this waiting areas provide numerous distractions- TVs, magazines, vending machines, computer kiosks etc. The efficacy of these distractions is beginning to be studied in greater detail today.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Factors Determining Inpatient Satisfaction With Care

Author(s): Thi, P. L.N. , Briancon,S., Empereur, F., Guillemin, F.
With the growing interest in patient-centered care, patient evaluations of their own experiences have been increasingly used to improve the quality of care. Factors associated with satisfaction are thought to include the structure, process and outcome of care as well as patient sociodemographic, physical and psychological status, and attitudes and expectations concerning medical care.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Effects of music therapy on women’s physiologic measures, anxiety, and satisfaction during cesarean delivery.

Author(s): Chang, S-C., Chen, C-H.
Due to many factors Taiwan has a high rate of cesarean birth deliveries. Childbirth causes high stress in women. In case of cesarean birth such stress increases because it is a major surgery. For many women cesarean birth has negative emotional consequences. Music therapy, the systematic application of music to aid in the treatment of physiological and psychological aspects of an illness or disability, has been shown in multiple studies to help reduce anxiety and stress, distract attention and increase threshold of pain during painful procedures. Music therapy has the potential to help women recover from cesarean deliveries.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012