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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 34

How Patients and Nurses Experience an Open Versus an Enclosed Nursing Station on an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit

Author(s): Shattell, M., Bartlett, R., Beres, K., Southard, K., Bell, C., Judge, C. A., Duke, P.
Added September 2018

Suicide-specific Safety in the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit

Author(s): de Santis, M. L., Myrick, H., Lamis, D. A., Pelic, C. P., Rhue, C., York, J.
Added August 2018

Hesitation and error: Does product placement in an emergency department influence hand hygiene performance?

Author(s): Stackelroth, J., Sinnott, M., Shaban, R. Z.
Previous research has thoroughly established the important role proper hand hygiene plays in reducing and controlling healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Nonetheless, previous studies also show that poor hand hygiene practices remain common in both public and private hospitals. In order to promote effective hand hygiene habits within healthcare environments, designers focus on ensuring that hand hygiene products are easily available and accessible.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2017

Developing family rooms in mental health inpatient units: An exploratory descriptive study

Author(s): Isobel, S., Foster, K., Edwards, C.
Adult inpatients receiving treatment at mental health facilities often wish to visit with family members. Indeed, previous research indicates that caregivers, consumers, and medical professionals agree that children of parents with mental illness (COPMI) should be able to spend time with their parents for the mutual benefit of both patients and families.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2017

Field Observations into the Environmental Soul: Spatial Configuration and Social Life for People Experiencing Dementia

Author(s): Ferdous, F., Moore, K. D.
Long-term care facilities (LTCFs) serving people with dementia are often designed with visiting family members or friends in mind rather than the needs of the patients themselves. The authors suggest that architectural designs within LTCFs should be considered from the perspective of the patients occupying these environments.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2017

The influence of hospital ward design on resilience to heat waves: An exploration using distributed lag models

Author(s): Iddon, C. R., Mills, T. C., Giridharan, R., Lomas, K. J.
Prolonged periods of uncharacteristically high outdoor temperatures (often referred to as “heat waves”) are correlated with increases in localized mortality rates. Hospitals have a responsibility to protect patient populations from harmful weather conditions, especially chronically ill patients that are vulnerable during prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2017

Exploring the effect of space and place on response to exercise therapy for knee and hip pain—a protocol for a double-blind randomised controlled clinical trial: the CONEX trial

Author(s): Sandal, L.-F., Thorlund, J. B., Ulrich, R. S., Dieppe, P. A., Roos, E. M.
Added July 2016

Mental health facility design: The case for person-centred care

Author(s): Golembiewski, J. A.
Added June 2016

Impact of Neonatal Intensive Care Bed Configuration on Rates of Late-Onset Bacterial Sepsis and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Colonization

Author(s): Julian, S., Burnham, C.-A., Sellenriek, P., Shannon, W. D., Hamvas, A., Tarr, P. I., Warner, B. B.
Late-onset infections are a continuing issue, causing notable levels of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), while also increasing the length of patient stay and financial burdens on healthcare institutions. Few previous studies have tested the hypothesis that infants in single-patient rooms have a lower risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization, late-onset sepsis, and death.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Development and Use of Mobile Containment Units for the Evaluation and Treatment of Potential Ebola Virus Disease Patients in a United States Hospital

Author(s): Sugalski, G., Murano, T., Fox, A., Rosania, A., Bogucki, S.
University Hospital was in a unique situation for the potential of receiving suspected Ebola patients from Newark (N.J.) International Airport. This situation led to the establishment of an Ebola treatment area (ETA) separate from the main hospital with easy access to hospital employees and equipment when needed. The ETA was built inside a pre-existing building that was empty on the first floor using Western Shelter Systems. This allowed the relatively quick erection of the unit without building a permanent unit.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Navigating Complex Buildings: Cognition, Neuroscience and Architectural Design

Author(s): Dalton, R. C., Hölscher, C., Spiers, H. J., Gero, S. J.
Added May 2016

Impact of the Physical Environment of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities (RHCSF) on Staff and Residents A Systematic Review of the Literature

Author(s): Joseph, A., Choi, Y.-S., Quan, X.
Strategies related to the design of the built environment should be considered within the context of the culture of the organization and the resident population. This study of the physical environment of residential health, care, and support facilities addresses the range of settings and population, where other studies have been lacking. The literature review strongly suggests that the built environment is an important component of care provided in residential care settings.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2016

Decreasing Spatial Disorientation in Care-Home Settings: How Psychology can Guide the Development of Dementia-Friendly Design Guidelines

Author(s): O’Malley, M., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. M.
People who have Alzheimer’s disease (AD) will eventually face a decline in navigation and orientation skills. Most, if not all, people with AD, will move to a care home. The dilemma for many is finding their way around a new environment.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Applying Lean Six Sigma for Innovative Change to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

Author(s): Haenke. R & Stichler, J. F.
This case study outlined the application of the Lean Six Sigma quality improvement framework to a post-anesthesia care unit redesign project.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

How Can We Help Staff transition to a New NICU design?

Author(s): Broom, M., Gardner, A., Kecskes, Z. , Kildea, S.
This article highlights the results of a literature review undertaken to identify transition strategies for staff who moved from an open plan unit layout to a single-room design (SRD) neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) layout.
Key Point Summary
Added January 2016

Impact of healthcare design on patients’ perception of a rheumatology outpatient infusion room: an interventional pilot study

Author(s): Bukh, G., Tommerup, A. M. M., Madsen, O. R.
Evidence-based healthcare design is a concept aimed at reducing stress factors in the physical environment for the benefit of patients and the medical staff. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of room modifications on patients’ perception of an outpatient infusion room used for treating rheumatologic diseases. Patient and nurse interviews, a staff workshop and field...
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Design, Operation, and Safety of Single-Room Interventional MRI Suites: Practical Experience From Two Centers

Author(s): White, M. J., Thornton, J. S., Hawkes, D. J., Hill, D. L .G., Kitchen, N., Mancini, L., McEvoy, A. W., Razavi, R., Wilson, S., Yousry, T., Keevil, S. F.
Designing and operating healthcare spaces to accommodate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners presents a variety of challenges. These spaces are often populated with larger amounts of sensitive equipment than typical patient care units, while receiving a nearly equal amount of foot traffic.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

The effectiveness of environmental strategies on noise reduction in a pediatric intensive care unit: Creation of single-patient bedrooms and reducing noise sources

Author(s): Kol, E., Aydın, P., Dursun, O.
Noise has been documented to be an adverse issue for patients and workers in a healthcare setting. The authors refer to literature that indicates that in intensive care units (ICUs), an increasing number of medical devices, equipment, and healthcare providers add to the crowding and ensuing noise levels in the ICUs.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Finding privacy from a public death: A qualitative exploration of how a dedicated space for end-of-life care in an acute hospital impacts on dying patients and their families

Author(s): Slatyer, S., Pienaar, C., Williams, A. M., Proctor, K., Hewitt, L.
Seriously ill patients die in hospitals around the world, and previous studies have shown that the factors that constitute a “good death” from the perspective of patients include control, comfort, family inclusion, sensitive communication, and peace. The quality of care provided to dying patients affects not only the patients, but bereaved families as well. It is therefore important for hospital environments to carefully consider the resources they provide towards quality end-of-life care.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Review article: Systematic review of three key strategies designed to improve patient flow through the emergency department

Author(s): Elder, E., Johnston, A. N., Crilly, J.
Added December 2015