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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 1 - 20 of 22

A systematic review of ventilation solutions for hospital wards: Addressing cross-infection and patient safety

Author(s): Nourozi, B., Wierzbicka, A., Yao, R., Sadrizadeh, S.
Added November 2023

Clinical, Humanistic and Economic Outcomes, Including Experiencing of Patient Safety Events, Associated with Admitting Patients to Single Rooms Compared with Shared Accommodation for Acute Hospital Admissions: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis

Author(s): Bertuzzi, A., Martin, A., Clarke, N., Springate, C., Ashton, R., Smith, W., Orlowski, A., McPherson, D.
Added August 2023

Effects of the physical environment on children and families in hospital-based emergency departments: A systematic literature review

Author(s): Gripko, M., Joseph, A., MohammadiGorji, S.
The emergency department (ED) environment is often a very stressful place, especially for young children and their families. Previous studies show that highly stimulating environments may increase anxiety. There are many complex relationships among the physical environment and healthcare outcomes in the emergency department, and themes in this study include control, positive distractions, family and social supports, and designing for a safe and comfortable experience.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2023

Analysis of functional layout in emergency departments (ED). Shedding light on the free standing emergency department (FSED) model

Author(s): Brambilla, A., Mangili, S., Das, M., Lal, S., Capolongo, S.
Research shows that emergency departments (EDs) are facing overcrowding, increasing patient acuity, and short staffing, which all are impacting wait times to be seen and patient satisfaction scores.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2022

Sound Control for Improved Outcomes in Healthcare Settings

Author(s): Joseph, A., Ulrich, R. S.
Added December 2022

The Role of the Physical Environment in the Hospital of the 21st Century: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Author(s): Ulrich, R. S., Zimring, C., Quan, X., Joseph, A., Choudhary, R.
Added December 2022

Designing a cardiac intensive care unit by employing an evidence-based design approach

Author(s): Alansari, A., Quan, X.
Research shows that the design of the physical environment of cardiac intensive care units (CICUs) plays a significant role in patient outcomes, patient safety, and quality of care. Evidence-based design decisions further influence healthcare personnel well-being, such as reducing workplace injuries and workers’ compensation claims.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2022

The role of healthcare facility design on the mental health of healthcare professionals: A literature review

Author(s): Jin, H.-Y., Gold, C., Cho, J., Marzban, F., Lim, L.
Research demonstrates that burnout is prevalent in healthcare workers and has been associated with negative consequences for patients, staff, and organizations. To date, initiatives to mitigate burnout and support staff well-being do not fully utilize the built environment.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2022

The Effectiveness of the Anteroom (Vestibule) Area on Hospital Infection Control and Health Staff Safety: A Systematic Review

Author(s): Andalib, E., Faghani, M., Zia Ziabari, S. M., Shenagari, M., Salehiniya, H., Keivanlou, M. H., Rafat, Z.
Added August 2022

Intensive care unit built environments: A comprehensive literature review (2005–2020)

Author(s): Verderber, S., Gray, S., Suresh-Kumar, S., Kercz, D., Parshuram, C.
ICUs have been extensively studied regarding the role of the built environment in issues of patient safety and infection control, patient-staff outcomes, and the interventional role of the physical environment. The results of this comprehensive literature review (2005-2020) demonstrate an increase in design of single-bed ICUs, increase in the engagement of families in the ICU experience, acknowledgement of improving caregiver well-being, performance through designing staff amenities, increased attention to the therapeutic role of exposure to nature and lighting, and increased pandemic concerns related to containment of the COVID-19 virus.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2021

Technology integration in complex healthcare environments: A systematic literature review

Author(s): Bayramzadeh, S., Aghaei, P.
Previous research shows that the way in which information displays and imaging technology are integrated into healthcare environments can impact staff workflows, patient safety, and perceptions of care. Caregivers working in trauma rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and operating rooms (ORs) require frequent access to imaging technology; when these resources are located far away from patients, issues may arise with communication, coordination, and interruptions.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2021

Fire safety management of public buildings: A systematic review of hospital buildings in Asia

Author(s): Muhamad Salleh, N., Agus Salim, N. A., Jaafar, M., Sulieman, M. Z., Ebekozien, A.
Added May 2020

The impact of the built environment on patient falls in hospital rooms: An integrative review

Author(s): Pati, D., Valipoor, S., Lorusso, L., Mihandoust, S., Jamshidi, S., Rane, A., Kazem-Zadeh, M.
Added June 2019

Accessing green spaces within a healthcare setting: A mixed studies review of barriers and facilitators

Author(s): Weerasuriya, R., Henderson-Wilson, C., Townsend, M.
Many previous studies have described the benefits of natural environments (or “green spaces”) on overall human well-being. Healthcare providers have increasingly drawn attention to how green spaces within healthcare environments may positively affect both patients and staff.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2018

Safety, Performance, and Satisfaction Outcomes in the Operating Room: A Literature Review

Author(s): Joseph, A., Bayramzadeh, S., Zamani, Z., Rostenberg, B.
There are many operating rooms (ORs) constructed more than 30 years ago that remain operational today, and many of these spaces are inadequately designed to withstand the processes, equipment, and people needed for contemporary OR procedures. Even in developed countries, patients undergoing inpatient surgeries experience major complications 3-22% of the time.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2018

Interventions to improve hospital patient satisfaction with healthcare providers and systems: A systematic review

Author(s): Davidson, K. W., Shaffer, J., Ye, S., Falzon, L., Emeruwa, I. O., Sundquist, K., Inneh, I. A., Mascitelli, S. L., Manzano, W. M., Vawdrey, D. K., Ting, H. H.
Added June 2017

A Systematic Review of Mixed Methods Research on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care

Author(s): Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., Wooldridge, A.
This paper presents a systematic review of studies dealing with human factors and ergonomics (HFE) issues in both healthcare technology and in the work of healthcare employees. The researchers employ a mixed methods approach, meaning their review incorporates studies that use both quantitative and/or qualitative data during different stages of the research process.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2017

Compliant flooring to prevent fall-related injuries in older adults: A scoping review of biomechanical efficacy, clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and workplace safety

Author(s): Lachance, C. C., Jurkowski, M. P., Dymarz, A. C., Robinovitch, S. N., Feldman, F., Laing, A. C., Mackey, D. C., Tranah, G.
Compliant flooring may be broadly defined as any floor covering or flooring system with some degree of shock absorbency. Numerous previous studies have shown that different forms of compliant flooring can reduce the severity and incidence of fall-related injuries in older adult patients.
Key Point Summary
Added February 2017

Outdoor Environments at Three Nursing Homes: Semantic Environmental Descriptions

Author(s): Bengtsson, A., Hägerhäll, C., Englund, J.-E., Grahn, P.
The authors call attention to research that indicates the importance of outdoor environments to the lives of elderly people in nursing homes. Nursing homes vary in terms of outdoor environments – from none to very elaborate establishments, with no evidence as to whether these meet the needs and desires of their users.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

From “Baby Barn” to the “Single Family Room Designed NICU”: A Report of Staff Perceptions One Year Post Occupancy

Author(s): Cone, S. K., Short, S., Gutcher, G.
Single Family Rooms (SFRs) are becoming an increasingly popular design model in the care of critically ill preterm infants. The advantages of this physical environment to the infant, family and care providers is well documented.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015