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How to Plan and Design for the "What-If" Scenario

Course Description

This presentation will discuss how to implement designs from Master Planning to immediate “ fixes” in both dedicated Healthcare and Non-Traditional Care environments. The goal is to manage the maximum amount of patients with the minimal amount of risk in a limited physical area, and in as safe a manner as possible. Presented by Gary Schindele, President, Paladin Healthcare LLC.

Learning objectives: 

  1. Why are we locked in to “Hospitals” in mass casualty scenarios, and what alternatives may be available.
  2. How to approach the development of “non-traditional” healthcare environments for mass casualty response.
  3. Options for designing surge patient care spaces as part of any healthcare facility today and tomorrow.
  4. NFPA future regulations update pertaining to designing mass casualty care support environments 5. Introduction of CPTED…..Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

This course is invitation only.

EDAC Course ID:
August 1, 2019 to August 1, 2022
Class Frequency: