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Level I Trauma Room Design: Research-Based Strategies for Improved Outcomes

Course Description

The physical environment of the trauma room plays a significant role in improving the treatment process and saving lives. This session will present the findings from a vigorous research project on Level I trauma room design, titled “Toward a Model of Safety and Care for Trauma Room Design.” This project is a $2.47m project awarded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). It is a cross-disciplinary collaboration between Kent State University’s Healthcare Design, Nursing, and Computer Science programs and Cleveland Clinic Akron General. The Principal Investigator of this project, Dr. Sara Bayramzadeh, and two of the Co-Investigators Dr. Mary K. Anthony and Dr. Sharmin Kader, will present the research outcomes; a list of design strategies that increase an efficient workflow, reduce interruptions and disruptions of the treatment process, address the sensory stimuli properly, and integrate technology according to the clinicians’ experience and input. All this knowledge can serve as a primary source to direct trauma room designs. Attendees will be able to ask questions during the presentation.


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify design issues in Level I trauma rooms that lead to adverse events and inefficient care.
  2. Identify work system components that support or impede the role of the physical environment in improving safe and efficient care in Level I trauma rooms.
  3. Recognize complex interrelationships among workflow, interruptions, technology, and sensory stimuli in Level I trauma rooms.
  4. Recognize the design elements and room features that support the nursing staff.

Presenters: Sharmin Kader, Ph.D, Associate AIA, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Kent State University & Mary K. Anthony, Ph.D, RN, Professor Emerita and Former Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing, Kent State University

Click here for more info and registration.


EDAC Course ID:
September 1, 2022
Class Frequency: