Automation holds a lot of promise in for healthcare organizations – more coordinated care, streamlined delivery processes, cost savings, and increased security. However, many organizations struggle to implement automation tools in a coordinated and integrated manner. As a result, automation ends up costing organizations more than the anticipated savings. In this webinar, Harry Pliskin, President of Atreo, will provide examples of cost of automation by showing how a lack of communication and operational integration creates large inefficiencies throughout an organization.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the benefits of automation tool implementation within a healthcare system.
- Understand the potential inefficiencies throughout an organization without automation tool implementation.
- Understand how a lack of communication and operational integration creates large inefficiencies throughout an organization.
- Understand how automation tool implementation can contribute to coordinated care, streamlined delivery processes, cost savings, and increased security within a healthcare system.
Harry Pliskin, President, ATREO
Harry Pliskin has been deeply involved in the healthcare industry for over two decades. He has worked with hospitals of all sizes as well as integrated healthcare systems to design and implement infection prevention and indoor air quality solutions, and to maximize and streamline operations. Harry and his team of engineers, researchers, project managers and technicians help their customers analyze, implement, and track evidence-based, cost-effective solutions in the most complex environments. Harry takes a “learn-it-all” as opposed to “know-it-all” approach in helping his customers. He is a frequent speaker on the most effective and efficient science-based strategies and tools to prevent hospital infections, mitigate the risk of exposure (including to COVID-19), and address issues around other critical operational challenges.
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