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Workplace Well-Being: How to Design for an Active Body and Mind

Course Description

KI’s Active Design research journey began back in 2014 with the creation of nine principles. Our latest research takes us to present day. The shift from wellness to well being represents a true migration into how workplace design practices have changed in recent years. The seven new principles offer pragmatic ideas designers can use to implement to foster a culture of organizational well being through interior design practices. It's about an active body and mind.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Review and assess a comprehensive research study that examines how wellness and well-being are tied to workplace design.
  2. Identify new ways of engaging clients in meaningful, relevant discussions about today’s workplace design trends.
  3. Articulate what active design is, how the topic came to be and what impact it has on workplace design.
  4. Integrate active design principles into everyday discussions with clients and co-workers.

Presenter: Jonathan Webb, Director - Workplace, KI

This course is by invitation only. 



EDAC Course ID:
June 2, 2022 to June 2, 2025
Class Frequency:
Lecture/Educational Session