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Insights & Solutions

    February 2022 Slidecast

    Noble, L., Devlin, A. S., (2021) Perceptions of psychotherapy waiting rooms: Design recommendations. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal

    The results here tell us far more about what does not work in the design of a behavioral health waiting room, rather than what does work, and the authors propose some types of waiting rooms may give patients the impression that the practitioner does not care about their wellbeing while waiting.

    February 2022 Slidecast

    Rubio, N., Macías, F., Gómez, E., (2021) The Children’s Council as a mean of participation in a hospital. American Journal of Nursing Studies

    This study shows that “serious play” is a creative way to gain the insight of children through a design decision making process.

    EDAC Advocate Firm Project
    January 2022 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

    ARCH Design's objective was to support an enhanced patient experience by developing a localized artwork program representing the region's culturally diverse population, creating comfort and connection through relevant and familiar imagery. Evidence-based design guided the artwork selections by focusing on how it would impact both patients and caregivers.

    EDAC Advocate Firm Project
    January 2022 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

    There were key goals addressed to guide the design excellence parameters: to promote recovery and transition; to foster connection and connectivity with people and their surroundings; to create a healing environment; to enhance the staff and patient experience; to enhance co-mingling (of staff, patients, visitors and community); and to reduce stigma.  

    EDAC Advocate Firm Project
    January 2022 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

    Located within a large senior living community, the following goals of the outpatient facility were tantamount:

    Reduce patient falls Reduce patient stress Increase patient satisfaction Increase staff satisfaction
    Member Project
    January 2022 Member Project

    Contemporary Women’s Care is an all-female OB/GYN practice dedicated to the total health care needs of women living in the greater Orlando, Florida, area. One of the few truly independent OB/GYN practices left in the greater Orlando area, the team at Contemporary Women’s Care is passionate about preserving the relationships between patients and their providers.  When the Director of Contemporary Women's Care, Dr. Pam Snook,  saw the Paladin rail products in action at the hospitals she decided to incorporate our philosophy of “…..if it’s on a wall it’s on a rail” throughout her new facility.

    Product / Project Innovation Highlights
    November 2021 Product / Project Innovation Highlights

    Vernacare’s single-use disposal systems incorporate bio-degradable bedpans, bowls and urinals that use touchless disposal technology and create a more hygienic, safe, and efficient solution for infection prevention and reduced staff exposure risks.

    Member Project
    November 2021 Member Project

    A letter from a patient to the CEO of one of New England’s premier hospitals saying how great the care she received was, but the physical environment, especially the art, was a true disservice to the patients. The CEO made it his mission to implement a fully donor funded art program hospital wide to create a calming space.

    In Great American Art's initial walk-thru, we noted the walls were filled with things that didn't aid in the healing process. Using EBD for art to guide selections, we enhanced the physical environment providing points of connection with meaningful works of art that help all deal with the challenging circumstances they face.

    November 2021 Slidecast

    Degl' Innocenti, A., Wijk, H., Kullgren, A., Alexiou, E. (2020) The influence of evidence-based design on staff perceptions of a supportive environment for person-centered care in forensic psychiatry. Journal of Forensic Nursing

    Staff satisfaction is an essential return on the investment being made to improve the provision and efficiency of care. Getting their detailed feedback on the design of the built environment makes good heart and business sense.

    November 2021 Slidecast

    Olausson, S., Wijk, H., Berglund, I. J., Pihlgren, A., Danielson, E. (2021) Patients’ experiences of place and space after a relocation to evidence-based designed forensic psychiatric hospitals. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

    The design of these new person-centered forensic psychiatry facilities is based upon extensive collaboration to ensure that design decisions are grounded in science- and experience-based, systematically provided data, but it does not reflect the patient as an equal contributor in design.