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Insights & Solutions

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    April 2018 Webinar

    This webinar will share experiences in planning microhospitals, discuss key operational areas, and illustrate clinical innovations that would support this model. Microhospitals have become popular in many areas as a solution to help health systems grow market share and deliver greater value. Microhospitals require a clear strategy, a sound operational model, and a clinical support plan in order to be successful. 

    January 2018 Webinar

    This webinar introduces the new, easier to use, online interface for The Center’s Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) toolkit, a proactive and systematic approach to designing and renovating healthcare facilities for safety. Originally developed through research and consensus to support the requirements of the FGI Guidelines, The Center's research team will walk you through the why, what, and how of each part of the online SRA toolkit illustrating features with vignettes gathered from the testing process.  

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    October 2017 Webinar

    This webinar will summarize the newest research evidence about how design can improve the delivery of team-based ambulatory care, discusses new metrics being delivered jointly between the Military Health System and Georgia Tech, and discusses how to design for a system with a wide spectrum of purpose-designed healthcare buildings and retrofits of older medical facilities.

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    August 2017 Webinar

    This webinar will illustrate how the Sharp team created the new Ocean View Tower, a 170,000-square-foot, 138-bed hospital addition, to go beyond just good practice to a “hardwire the environment” scenario for zero harm to patients, visitors, and staff. The presenters describe the planning, design, and construction from each of their perspectives and share outcomes and critical lessons learned. 

    August 2014 Webinar

    Behavioral health settings guided by strict safety design measures often result in spaces that are stark, plain, and isolated - potentially exacerbating environmental stressors and escalating already difficult patient situations. Acute care emergency settings have a particular set of challenges as EDs are predicting increased visits from behavioral health patients. Faced with the challenge of designing a behavioral health care setting in the Emergency Department at UnityPoint Health in Rock Island, IL, the project team hypothesized that the creation of a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) with a “Living Room Concept” would provide a higher quality of care to patients while assisting in the staff’s ability to quickly consult and treat a diverse set of patients entering the ED.