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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
May 2019 Project Brief

Learn about: how a unit redesign for UW Health will serve as a prototype for future redesign projects, why the new unit must be flexible to respond to a variety of staff and patient needs, and how a multidisciplinary team used a range of observational findings and current literature to inform the overall design process.

Project Brief
March 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: the contribution technologies made to improve patient outcomes, the use of multiple technologies to improve patient care, and the strategies used by the design team to avoid creating a solitary feeling for the nurses working in a decentralized configuration. 

Project Brief
August 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how one hospital’s emergency room pilot project increased patient satisfaction, the standards developed post-pilot to decrease noise transfer to other areas of the hospital, and why having design changes on paper may not be enough.

Project Brief
October 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how Florida Waterman built patient rooms to reduce noise, how patient satisfaction scores improved as a result of room design changes, and how the team studied the impact of the new design strategy.