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Insights & Solutions

September 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Lesa discusses her research project, “Investigating the Impact of Multisensory Environments on Behavior for Veterans with Dementia.” Lesa shares, “That research project was a labor of the heart. I was fortunate at the University of Florida to be a part of an AIA sponsored research consortium called, ‘Vital By Design,’ with a focus on elder research.”

September 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Lesa shares information on the Gresham Smith's new patent-pending empathic design technology. “The Empathic Design Tool” measures emotional responses of people reacting to the built environment. Lesa shares, “We have an innovation incubator within Gresham Smith we call “Studio X.” Mike Sewell, our Active Transportation Service Line Leader created The Empathic Design tool which recently won Architect Magazine’s 14th annual R&D award.” Learn more about how the “Empathic Design Tool” can measure emotional responses of people reacting in the built environment and how this is a potential game-changer in the world of empathic healthcare design research. 

August 2020 Podcast

In this second podcast, Jennifer responds to the question, “What specific design changes will we see in the hospital and healthcare setting?”  with, “I like to think about anything I don’t like as a patient because I know if I hate it, other people will hate it. This gives us an opportunity to rethink things like standing in line.”

August 2020 Podcast

In part one of this two part podcast, Jennifer shares her thoughts on how hospitals and healthcare systems can be better prepared for future pandemic outbreaks in the United States.Jennifer begins, “I’m pretty sure architects are going to be spending a lot of time over the next two years trying to think about how to protect both patients and staff from pandemics.” In this episode you will get insight into the brain of one of the oldest architecture firms continuing existence in North America, and learn what innovations are on the horizon for hospitals and healthcare systems.

July 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of the interview with Diana Spellman, President of Spellman Brady & Company, the conversation moves to the firm’s design philosophy and how materials and surfaces play a key role in creating S&B’s signature, purposeful and deeply meaningful environments.

July 2020 Podcast

Diana Spellman is the  President of Spellman Brady & Company, an award winning interior planning firm specializing in timeless, meaningful environments in healthcare, senior living and higher education.

June 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of this podcast,  Mary Frazier talks about new technology that is greatly assisting in the battle against COVID-19 and Hospital Acquired Infections.

June 2020 Podcast

Learn why patients have now become afraid to go to the hospital with empty Emergency Departments a growing concern among hospitals. How can the healthcare design professional help hospitals begin to rebuild trust and bring their patients back?

June 2020 Podcast

In part 2 of  Rachel Gutter, President of the IWBI's interview, hear about the IWBI’s new Task Force---with more than 250 members---whose goal is to help reduce the health burden of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in the built environment.

June 2020 Podcast

Rachel Gutter, President of the International WELL Building Institute, describes how the IWBI is leading the global movement to transform our buildings, communities and organizations in ways that help people thrive.