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Insights & Solutions

March 2021 Podcast

Margi Kaminski, ASID, NCIDQ, Director of Health Interiors at CannonDesign, answers the question, “What was it like to go from being the “boss” of your small firm Quarters Designs for Living Spaces,  to working for the larger more prestigious firms like those you have worked at throughout y

January 2021 Podcast

Holly Harris,  at age 28, shares her perspective on healthcare architecture and design in today’s world.  When asked “Many interior design and interior architect students have been known to shy away from specializing in healthcare because they see it as unsexy and boring. What do you say to that and what would you say to them?” Holly’s answer was inspiring. She quickly responded with, “If you don’t like what you’ve experienced or have seen in the world, then you could be the one to change it.”

December 2020 Podcast

Jenny Hastings, Principal at Boulder Associates Architects answers the question, “How has the pandemic affected Lean Management Practices in your firm?” Jenny begins, “We have projects that are speeding up, some that are slowing down.

December 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Alana M. Carter responds to the question, "how have you and your team responded to the pandemic and what’s happening now within your firm?” She shares, “It’s interesting as leaders.

November 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Joshua talks about Work Well---a new project, and new technology coming out of Leo A. Daly and their industry partners, to help fight COVID-19. Joshua shares, “Work Well started out as a 2 x 4 foot stick-built wood approach to scanning people as they come onboard. People pass through an entry door and the exit door, and there is a green and red light. If you get a green light, you can continue walking through and if you get a red light, you are going to stop. The light system is tied to a temperature scanning system.” Learn more about the genesis of Work Well, its privacy implications and how the healthcare industry is getting involved.

November 2020 Podcast

During the first months of the pandemic, what other facilities, aside from hospitals, were used as surge spaces? Joshua begins, “The US Army of Corps Engineers designated 17 alternate care facilities for surge capacity, and one of those was the Javits Center in New York City. If and when they are demolished, we are going to have a lot of extra product; $700 million dollars worth, and some of that is going to end up in the bin and that is a massive amount of waste.” Get an insider’s perspective into what else was going on behind the scenes during the first several months of the pandemic, and what new innovations are coming out of Leo A Daly’s firm.

October 2020 Podcast

In this podcast, Mary-Jean describes her firm’s work with Memorial Sloan Kettering. “Memorial Sloan Kettering is one of the oldest and largest cancer centers in the world,” Mary-Jean begins. “When we started working with them, the mandate was to take an institution that was very much focused on research and make it a leader in patient centered care.”

October 2020 Podcast

Today, women lead the majority of Perkins-Eastman offices and studios. However, it wasn’t always that way. When Mary-Jean Eastman entered architecture school in 1966, fewer than 10 percent of her classmates were women. What was that time like for Mary-Jean and how have women in architecture evolved to the more prominent leadership role they enjoy today at the firm and beyond?