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Insights & Solutions

Issue Brief
June 2016 Issue Brief

As part of the technology toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about why systems approach is needed to successfully integrate technology into the built environment, implications of the socio-technical system framework on planning and design around medical technology, and the impact of current and future technology on the continuum of care. 

Issue Brief
January 2016 Issue Brief

As part of the patient-centered medical home toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about patient-centered medical home (PCMH) principles, implementation, and evaluation, operational strategies supporting the principles of PCMH, and environmental design features of PCMH found in recent design and research publications.

Issue Brief
April 2015 Issue Brief

As part of the infection prevention toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about the importance of hand hygiene in improving safety, quality, and economic impact, a systems approach to hand hygiene that integrates environmental, operational, and personal factors for infection prevention, and new, effective, and easy-to-implement hand hygiene measures.

Issue Brief
March 2014 Issue Brief

As part of the noise toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about how excessive noise can negatively impact patients and staff in the hospital environment, ways to improve patients’ perception of sound, and low-cost, medium-cost, and high-cost design strategies that can reduce noise.

Issue Brief
February 2015 Issue Brief

As part of the communication toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about elements of the built environment that improve nurse-patient communication, design interventions that could improve nurse-patient communication as found in the literature and how to ask better questions surrounding this critical relationship during your next project.