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Insights & Solutions

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March 2019 Webinar

This webinar will focus on a case study on the efficient design of one of the largest treatment centers for infectious diseases in the U.S. The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston’s new six-bed bio-containment critical care unit will serve as a multifunctional patient care space that is equipped to treat patients with the most highly contagious diseases. 

Design Strategies
November 2016 Design Strategies

Aging often involves a multitude of changing needs and priorities. However, there are human needs and desires that remain constant throughout the life course. Design strategies for aging must not only address basic physiological and safety needs, but attend to higher-level human needs as well. The universal design approach is being adopted by many forward-thinking designers who aim to support equitable, flexible, and accessible environments for all users.


Project Brief
August 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how the Princeton HealthCare System created a comprehensive campus to meet an array of medical and wellness needs for multiple generations, evidence-based design principles that were incorporated into the built environment, and how the new facility is positioned to respond to the changing healthcare field.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
September 2011 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal for this project was to create a world-class facility using evidence-based design (EBD), LEED, and patient- and family–centered strategies. The re-design of the Ft. Bliss Army Medical Center not only took into account the Military Health System (MHS) World-Class Checklist, but also information gathered from 14 EBD working groups to further influence the design.