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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how facility design facilitates population health goals for a community health clinic, how pod-based layout promotes staff interaction, collaboration, and efficiency, and how the ‘group visit’ room supports patient engagement, education, and continuity of care.

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how talking rooms can complement consultation-based care, how workstation design can help balance a team-based care approach and staff retention efforts, and how design can maximize the accessibility to transportation and community amenities.

Project Brief
April 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: Geisinger Health System’s efforts to create a new Hybrid Operating Room that flexes to accommodate different surgical setups and storage needs, how vendors working closely together around common goals can improve efficiency and maximize results, and the need to maintain flexibility in the built environment to allow designs to meet changing circumstances and incorporate improved technologies. 

Project Brief
January 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: a streamlined design with easy-to-move furnishings and standardized cleaning products that help Environmental Services staff be more efficient and effective, smart furniture selection that can help reduce cleaning time, and the connection between a clean environment and patient satisfaction.