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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how facility design facilitates population health goals for a community health clinic, how pod-based layout promotes staff interaction, collaboration, and efficiency, and how the ‘group visit’ room supports patient engagement, education, and continuity of care.

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how talking rooms can complement consultation-based care, how workstation design can help balance a team-based care approach and staff retention efforts, and how design can maximize the accessibility to transportation and community amenities.

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

Project Brief
October 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: how to smoothly incorporate the latest design approaches into hospital operations, hospital design and sustainability features that can improve community health beyond campus borders, and how a facility can accommodate more patients in less space.

Project Brief
October 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: how a medical home model enables providers representing different disciplines to work together to support the multi-faceted needs of Alaska Native and American Indian residents, which design features help foster a mutually respectful environment for customers and clinical staff, and why the healthcare system decided to create a fitness center on site as part of its commitment to protecting the health of the people it serves.

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June 2015 Webinar

The Military Health System (MHS) includes over 300 Medical Centers, Hospitals and Clinics located worldwide on Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps installations. In 2011, the MHS began transforming its over 440 primary care practices within MTFs into the PCMH model of care and adopted NCQA PCMH standards to establish consistent Tri-Service operating principles, which the Uniformed Services used to develop MTF operating guidance. As a result, the MHS has been able to standardize business and clinical operational workflow, appointing/scheduling templates, staffing models, performance measures, goals and a capitated revised financing model.  

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February 2015 Webinar

CHD 2014 Changemaker Award Winner Avein Saaty-Tafoya, CEO of Adelante Healthcare, outlines the vision, planning, construction, and implementation phases of the 43,000 sq. ft. comprehensive health center that is Adelante Healthcare Mesa. By engaging staff, patients, board members, the CHD Pebble design community and research partners at CHD and AZ State University, Adelante has demonstrated that EBD is not only possible but an asset when the not-for-profit and ambulatory sectors of the system are developing Capital projects. 

August 2014 Webinar

Behavioral health settings guided by strict safety design measures often result in spaces that are stark, plain, and isolated - potentially exacerbating environmental stressors and escalating already difficult patient situations. Acute care emergency settings have a particular set of challenges as EDs are predicting increased visits from behavioral health patients. Faced with the challenge of designing a behavioral health care setting in the Emergency Department at UnityPoint Health in Rock Island, IL, the project team hypothesized that the creation of a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) with a “Living Room Concept” would provide a higher quality of care to patients while assisting in the staff’s ability to quickly consult and treat a diverse set of patients entering the ED.