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Insights & Solutions

Issue Brief
December 2022 Issue Brief

Learn about: the current state of burnout in healthcare; the impact of burnout on clinicians, patients and organizations; and the role of the built environment in mitigating burnout.

Issue Brief
June 2019 Issue Brief

As part of the infection control toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about, high-touch and soft surfaces and their effect on antimicrobial behavior, different cleaning mechanisms and their impact on surfaces, and an approach for structuring infection prevention teams during the design process. 

Issue Brief
June 2019 Issue Brief

As part of the infection control toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about, the role of surfaces in the chain of transmission and the epidemiology of infections, environmental conditions that affect the growth and transmission of pathogens, and cleaning and disinfecting strategies.

Issue Brief
March 2015 Issue Brief

As part of the healthcare reform toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about the three quality-driven legislative programs that have a relationship to healthcare environments, associations between the design of the physical environment and reimbursement-related measures, and additional built environment strategies requiring additional research.