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October 2017 Webinar

This webinar will summarize the newest research evidence about how design can improve the delivery of team-based ambulatory care, discusses new metrics being delivered jointly between the Military Health System and Georgia Tech, and discusses how to design for a system with a wide spectrum of purpose-designed healthcare buildings and retrofits of older medical facilities.

April 2017 Blog

What message does your Emergency Department (ED) send to patients who step through the doors? If it isn’t a comprehensively welcoming one, you could be increasing patient and family stress levels before they’ve even begun assessment or treatment. As overcrowding in EDs and awareness of the consequences grows within the healthcare industry, it’s crucial to begin taking steps to improve your care environment for staff and patients.

Project Brief
January 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: a streamlined design with easy-to-move furnishings and standardized cleaning products that help Environmental Services staff be more efficient and effective, smart furniture selection that can help reduce cleaning time, and the connection between a clean environment and patient satisfaction.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
September 2012 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal for this project was to create a standard process that facilitates appropriate hand washing practice prior to caregiver interaction with the patient.