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Insights & Solutions

February 2017 Interview

Learn about: why the needs of older people are often overlooked, how universal design can support people as they age, how universal design also benefits people of varying abilities and generations, and the need for designers to think about functionality in new and existing spaces.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
September 2011 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal for this project was to create a world-class facility using evidence-based design (EBD), LEED, and patient- and family–centered strategies. The re-design of the Ft. Bliss Army Medical Center not only took into account the Military Health System (MHS) World-Class Checklist, but also information gathered from 14 EBD working groups to further influence the design. 

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: the design features implemented to create a patient- and family-centered space, the importance of working with like-minded partners who can maintain the vision of the project, and the importance of considering the culture of the organization in conjunction with the new space.