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Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine

Author(s): Williams, A.
This study looks at the cross-section between humanism (as applied to holistic medicine) and therapeutic landscapes, and analyzes their impact on health and healing. Therapeutic landscapes are by definition, “changing places, settings, situations, locales and milieus that encompass both the physical and psychological environments associated with treatment or healing.” In simple terms, natural landscapes can play a vital role in the healing of illness. Health programs centered on these ideals are thought to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

Effects of waiting on the satisfaction with the service: Beyond objective time measures

Author(s): Pruyn, A., Smidts, A.
Wait times are a persistent concern in healthcare today. It is a concern that healthcare shares with other service industries. To counter this waiting areas provide numerous distractions- TVs, magazines, vending machines, computer kiosks etc. The efficacy of these distractions is beginning to be studied in greater detail today.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

The Relationship Between Physical Restraint Removal and Falls and Injuries Among Nursing Home Residents

Author(s): Capezuti, E., Strumpf, N. E., Evans, L. K., Grisso, J. A., Maislin, G.
Patient falls refer to patients’ unplanned descent to the floor, either with or without injuries to the patients. Patient falls and related injuries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and contribute to high healthcare cost. Healthcare organizations have experimented with many fall-prevention programs including restraint reduction and other modifications of the physical environment.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2012