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Silver Thomas Hanley

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Why we are an EDAC Advocate: 
“From our constant project reviews, ongoing research of international trends and developments and learnings from our completed projects, EBD is a natural part of the STH design process. Through EDAC we hope to develop our EBD approach to further our commitment to improved health care experiences for all users of our client’s facilities.”

–Melina Thomas, Director, Silver Thomas Hanley International



Silver Thomas Hanley is a specialist health care design practice with over 30 years of experience though Australasia, Asia, Middle East and North America. STH has worked on some of the largest and most challenging health care projects in the world. We are committed to improved health care environments and this has seen us involved in Canada’s first major acute care Hospital to achieve Gold LEED (Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre). From this project, we have drawn extensively from the various initiatives to inform and improve our subsequent projects and we have shared the findings publicly through the Media. Our involvement with EDAC will see STH further develop and extend our research, and evidence based design approach to further enhance the environmental and performance outcomes of the health care facilities we design.


Learn more about Silver Thomas Hanley.