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Free Behavioral Health Design Virtual Workshop

When: May 28, 2020
Time: 11:00am Pacific
What: Agenda
Price: FREE
  • 3 days, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28

  • 2 Sessions + Roundtable Discussion each day; 2.5 hours

  • 11:00 am - 1:30 pm PT
    2:00 pm - 4:30 pm ET


  • 6.5 AIA/EDAC continuing education units

Register once, attend the days or sessions of your choice. All registrants will receive access to the recorded workshop sessions.


MAY 14 / MAY 21 / MAY 28, 2020

Learn more about our workshop partners.
Treasure hunt and workshop bag

Our Behavioral Health Design Workshop, originally scheduled for May 21 in Los Angeles, will now be presented in an engaging, dynamic and multi-faceted virtual educational and networking experience. To provide our industry with greater access to learn more about this critical topic, this workshop is now being presented at no charge. If you previously registered for our paid in-person event, please contact us.


Even before COVID-19 our healthcare system was buckling under the growing mental health and substance abuse crises. Suicide rates in the US continue their 13-year climb to over 48,000 in 2018. Nearly 20 million battle substance abuse disorders. And the impact on our healthcare facilities is equally grave but often unseen – 46% of hospital stays for a physical condition involve a co-occurring mental or substance abuse disorder.

And now, as we only begin to imagine the mental health toll the current pandemic will take on frontline responders, victims, families, the unemployed and so many others, the need for behavioral health environments that enhance the care and treatment, and help relieve the suffering, of so many people has never been greater.

Now more than ever, design, facility and care professionals must advance their understanding of design’s impact on behavioral health care, outcomes, and patient and staff safety. We must learn how to incorporate the best and latest design solutions not only in specialized facilities or units, but in emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and throughout acute care settings.

Please join us as the industry’s leading behavioral health facility design experts share experiences, strategies and resources that will help you address today’s challenges and prepare for tomorrow’s.


Learning Objectives

Hear the industry's leading behavioral health facility design experts share how design is making a difference in the lives of children and adults faced with behavioral and mental health conditions. They'll share real world experiences and future-looking insights into:

  • Innovative and effective design strategies that support behavioral health populations
  • The implications of your design decisions
  • Case studies of state-of-the-art facilities
  • Existing standards and new behavioral health models


Who Should Attend

This unique experience is ideal for individuals who are attending to design new mental and behavioral health facilities and those wishing to evaluate the quality of their existing facilities. 

  • Healthcare architects, planners, designers, and consultants
  • Behavioral health facility or department directors, physicians, nurses, and managers
  • Healthcare facilities and planning executives
  • Hospital executives with behavioral health department oversight
  • Vendors and suppliers


Presenting Faculty

MAY 14, 2020

11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET
Welcome Opening Remarks & Introduction

Ellen Taylor, PhD, AIA, MBA, EDAC
Vice President for Research
The Center for Health Design





11:05 AM PT/ 2:05 ET
Jump Start Keynote
— The State of the Practice in Behavioral Health Care and Design

Behavioral health care, and the facility design that supports and facilitates that care, is ever evolving. This opening presentation will outline the current state of the practice and why and how things are changing. Presenters will share major issues and challenges, identify how research is playing a larger role, and explore why systems are increasingly investing in mental health programs. In these opening remarks, and throughout the workshop, attendees will be engaged to provide input from their perspectives and experiences to identify key priorities for now and into the future as well as concrete take-aways. 

Principal | Senior Medical Planner, Associate Vice President




Kayvan Madani Nejad, Ph.D., AIA
Director, Senior Healthcare Architect
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, CES | OFP | CFM





11:45 AM PT/ 2:45 PM ET Break


11:55 AM PT / 2:45 PM ET
Learning Lab
— Designing A Place of Sanctuary for Behavioral Health Inpatients and Staff

West Springs Hospital, in Grand Junction Colorado embarked on a journey to continue providing state of the art inpatient psychiatric care by engaging in a campaign - Building Sanctuary | Rebuilding Lives. The campaign set in motion a journey to build a new 48 bed replacement facility with the primary goal of creating an environment that comforts patients and allows them to be receptive to receiving treatment. The task of combining both a calming, non-threatening environment with a high level of safety for both patients and staff into one successful facility was a challenge. With occupancy in late 2018, the combination of a dedicated client with a clear vision and a highly creative design team have created a facility that is proving to meet all goals. Convinced the built environment for behavioral health can be less institutional, the team combined creative uses of technology such as therapeutic color lighting, an abundance of natural light, direct access to courtyards and off unit activity areas in the completed project. The implemented color palettes, furnishings and artwork all combine to integrate the principles gleaned from the focus groups of former patients, community and staff from all departments.

Robyn Linstrom, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP
Senior Associate 
Davis Partnership Architects




Kim Boe, CHE, MM, HRM 
Executive Vice President
West Springs Hospital




12:35 PM PT / 3:45 PM ET  Break


12:45 PM PT/ 3:34 PM ET Interactive Roundtable Discussion

Through a roundtable format, participants will have access to the day’s workshop presenters and will be able to participate in a facilitated question and answer dialogue. A facilitator will engage presenters in a dialogue about major themes that emerged from the workshop and attendees can pose questions to individual workshop presenters or the presenters as a group. Plan to listen, ask questions, and share your own thoughts and ideas.


1:30 PM PT/ 4:30 PM ET — Wrap Up & Adjourn  


MAY 21

11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET
Welcome Opening Remarks & Introduction


11:05 AM PT/ 2:05 PM ET
Learning Lab — A New Life: Transforming a Hospital for Behavioral Health through Innovative Design

Many healthcare systems are contending with patients’ growing unmet behavioral health needs. As greater emphasis is placed on addressing mental health issues, these systems must look for ways to incorporate behavioral health services into existing models. This session will explore the collaborative process between Maricopa Integrated Health Systems – now Valleywise Health – and the DLR Group design team as they worked to transform an acute medical care facility into a behavioral health treatment environment. From the technical design aspects to the accelerated timeline to address the unique needs required by behavioral health facilities, Richard will walk the audience through lessons learned and provide practical advice for how other systems might approach their own renovations.

Richard Beach, AIA, ASHE
Healthcare Leader, Principal 
DLR Group




Kevin Murrett
President | CEO | Founder
Architectural Resources




11:45 AM PT/ 2:45 PM ET — Break


11:55 AM PT / 2:55 PM ET
Learning Lab — We're in! A New State-of-the-Art Behavioral Health Hospital

Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s NeuroDiagnostic Institute (NDI) is the state’s first new mental hospital since 1952. The new hospital opened in Spring 2019 as a vanguard of Indiana’s goal to modernize and reengineer their network of state-operated mental health facilities.

The NDI replaces the existing Larue Carter state hospital in Indianapolis that had served patients for over 71 years.  The move of staff and patients from Larue Carter to the NDI was more than a physical move: it was a complete transformation in the model of care and clinical operations, as well as, activation of new technology and IT systems that impacted every aspect of behavioral health patient care. To achieve this monumental change, NDI engaged BSA LifeStructures transition planning and move management team to prepare staff for operations on Day 1 by operationalizing the design and identifying and developing new processes to provide a safe and excellent patient experience.

The transition team utilized Lean principles to identify the changes needed to move from current state to future state processes.  Staff were prepared for the change concepts with a variety of tools that resulted in an operations manual utilized for training and education, activation, and the patient move.

Teri Joy, RN, CEN, TCRN
Senior Healthcare Operations Planner 
BSA LifeStructures





12:35 PM PT / 3:45 PM ET  Break


12:45 PM PT/ 3:34 PM ET Interactive Roundtable Discussion

Through a roundtable format, participants will have access to the day’s workshop presenters and will be able to participate in a facilitated question and answer dialogue. A facilitator will engage presenters in a dialogue about major themes that emerged from the workshop and attendees can pose questions to individual workshop presenters or the presenters as a group. Plan to listen, ask questions, and share your own thoughts and ideas.


1:30 PM PT/ 4:30 PM ET — Wrap Up & Adjourn  


MAY 28

11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET
Welcome Opening Remarks & Introduction


11:05 AM PT /2:05 PM ET
Learning Lab — Strawberry Hill Behavioral Health: Transformation from Corporate Office to Therapeutic Healing Environment

Strawberry Hill Behavioral Health Hospital is a story about the transformation of a service line, a building and a community. Located in the heart of downtown Kansas City, the University of Kansas Health System’s recently opened 48 bed behavioral health facility strengthens both the mental and economic wellness of the urban core. The new behavioral health center, located in a renovated 5-story, existing office building, presented design challenges but created opportunities to bring mental health services within proximity to an underserved population. Overcoming challenges presented by the existing perimeter, geometry, structural grid, and limited access to outdoors, the design implements behavioral health best practices to support efficient and effective delivery of care while supporting the safety of patients and staff.

Stephanie Vito, AIA, Architect 
Vice President 




Shari Riley, MSN, BSN, RN, NE-BC 
Director of Nursing 
Strawberry Hill Campus, The University of Kansas Health System





11:45 AM PT/ 2:45 PM ET Break


11:55 AM PT / 2:55 ET Learning Lab  — The Impact on Outpatient Behavioral Health Spatial Accommodations Based on a Convergence of Change

Current trends in behavioral health for integration, care parity, and recent impacts on patient expectations point to healthcare strategies for transitioning to greater accommodation in both outpatient and legacy environments. In this presentation we explore the planning of spaces to improve access, align with care parity and achieve integration and flexibility with cost effective solutions.

Sunitha Lakshman
Principal Medical Architect/Planner
National Facilities Team
Kaiser Permanente




Tony Guarino, EDAC, LEED GA
Principal Medical Architect/Planner
National Facilities Team
Kaiser Permanente





12:35 PM PT / 3:45 PM ET  Break


12:45 PM PT/ 3:34 PM ET Interactive Roundtable Discussion

Through a roundtable format, participants will have access to the day’s workshop presenters and will be able to participate in a facilitated question and answer dialogue. A facilitator will engage presenters in a dialogue about major themes that emerged from the workshop and attendees can pose questions to individual workshop presenters or the presenters as a group. Plan to listen, ask questions, and share your own thoughts and ideas.


1:30 PM PT/ 4:30 PM ET — Wrap Up & Adjourn