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The Spaces In-between: Changing Policy by Design

October 2019

Mental health issues are faced by individuals around the world in every culture and age group. According to the World Health Organization, approximately one third of the adult population worldwide suffers from a mental disorder such as anxiety, depression or schizophrenia. We strive to create an environment that responds to patients’ psychosocial needs for resilience and recovery. We now focus on the spaces in-between, as much as on programmed areas.
Policy regulations and standards that affect our approach vary from region to region and continent to continent; from the design of forensic facilities to mental health hubs, from care centers to transitional housing. There are multiple challenges. There are also promising trends. But we need to do more to create responsive environments for behavioral health and at times this means challenging policy through design. Join an architect/researcher team in exploring how and why we can share diverse experiences in order to effect greater change, both nationally and internationally, to create more supportive environments for a population with increasing needs.