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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: sustainable healthcare and what it means to Adelante, the organization's method to evaluate design and operational needs for their new flagship facility, and specific strategies implemented to improve patient and provider communication.

July 2015 Webinar

This webinar explores how to: evaluating the “why” and the “who” related to positive outcomes in senior living, provide an understanding of sustainability within senior living, including resources, provide an understanding of resident-centered care development in China, and provide information on new senior living guidelines. 

May 2016 Interview

Learn about: strategies designers can use to improve population health, ways healthcare administrators can help improve their patients' overall quality of life and The Active Design Guidelines.

January 2016 Interview

Learn about: using green cleaners to improve patient satisfaction scores around the perception of cleanliness, the negative health impacts associated with traditional cleaning products, and the healthier interiors challenge to reduce the use of harmful chemicals.