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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how innovative design can be achieved at the same or similar cost, how design can result in a well-regarded community landmark, and how community-based care improves patient use and compliance with regimens.

Design Strategies
June 2016 Design Strategies

Technology is one of the most challenging issues in healthcare. The current combination of recent health reform laws, federal stimulus funds, and the ongoing wave of new healthcare technology can be described as a “tsunami” of sorts. Healthcare leaders are overwhelmed, as planning for the future of technology stands to transform many current care practices.  Successfully integrating technology means planning for today as well as anticipating future needs, and directly impacts the programming, planning, and design of all healthcare settings. 

Issue Brief
February 2015 Issue Brief

As part of the communication toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about elements of the built environment that improve nurse-patient communication, design interventions that could improve nurse-patient communication as found in the literature and how to ask better questions surrounding this critical relationship during your next project.

EDAC Advocate Firm Project
September 2012 EDAC Advocate Firm Project

The goal for this project was to set a new standard and image of healthcare delivery, using EBD to achieve positive patient outcomes within the expanding hospital system.  

Design Strategies
February 2015 Design Strategies

Healthcare reform has continually focused on several aspects of the patient experience. The patient experience domain (as measured through HCAHPS — the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) includes three metrics that are used to evaluate patient perceptions about communication: doctor-patient, nurse-patient, and communication surrounding medications.