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Insights & Solutions

July 2019 Webinar

This webinar will discuss some of the common challenges witnessed and used to develop the testing methods – with a focus on ligature performance and robustness.  Hear about their learnings about doors and windows which feature so highly with sentinel events that they needed their own category of testing.   Review key areas of risk within mental health environments and lessons learned about managing risk in reality.    

June 2019 Webinar

This webinar will review two case studies of built behavioral health areas within existing emergency department. We will provide an in-depth look at the materials, products and systems developed to provide safe and durable environments with special attention given to anti- ligature and durability.

June 2019 Webinar

This webinar explores the strategies and cost implications of a human-centered approach to design that leverages tangible and intangible elements to strengthen staff-patient connections, facilitate innovations, and create a safer place for behavioral health care.

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June 2019 Webinar

This webinar will explore the top five factors identified in an experimental study, funded over two phases by the National Patient Safety Foundation and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 

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June 2019 Webinar

This webinar offers recent evidence-based strategies that if followed, can contribute to reduced healthcare-associated infections, better HCAHPS scores & longer lifecycle performance.  

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April 2019 Webinar

By combining observation, interviews, simulation, and rapid prototyping, this team developed design solutions that help healthcare workers stay safe while engaged in challenging tasks. This webinar brings the experience of the healthcare practitioners who cared for Ebola patients during the 2014 outbreak and introduces a human-centered discovery approach developed by design researchers at SimTigrate Design Lab to define the design requirements of spaces where the risk of self- and cross-contamination is the highest.

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March 2019 Webinar

This webinar will focus on a case study on the efficient design of one of the largest treatment centers for infectious diseases in the U.S. The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston’s new six-bed bio-containment critical care unit will serve as a multifunctional patient care space that is equipped to treat patients with the most highly contagious diseases. 

December 2018 Webinar

This webinar explores how MedStar Health is using fast-track design to help catalyze a new model of behavioral health, using the reduction of barriers, small house concepts and interior design strategies to create positive environments where patients are positively impacted. 

Lessons Learned
October 2018 Lessons Learned

This list has been compiled based on research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview of behavioral and mental health (BMH).

Executive Summary
July 2018 Executive Summary

This summary compiles the executive summaries of six Safety Risk Assessment Issue Briefs to provide a high-level overview of the latent conditions of the built environment and their related design categories found in the CHD SRA toolkit.