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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
May 2019 Project Brief

Learn about: how a practical consideration of all the elements of the new hybrid OR helped guide design choices, the role Human Factors played in optimizing the new space, how process mapping and cognitive walkthroughs furthered the design team’s understanding of the OR’s people and processes, and how buy-in from key stakeholders led to the success of this project and laid the groundwork for future efforts.

Project Brief
May 2019 Project Brief

Learn about: how a unit redesign for UW Health will serve as a prototype for future redesign projects, why the new unit must be flexible to respond to a variety of staff and patient needs, and how a multidisciplinary team used a range of observational findings and current literature to inform the overall design process.

Project Brief
May 2019 Project Brief

Learn about: how a variety of approaches—including research, observation, and process mapping exercises—were used in conjunction to develop the new design plans, why the architectural team relied on existing staff, patients, and families to understand which needs to address in the redesign, and how envisioning the new center as a “house” could better support the needs of patients and families.

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how innovative design can be achieved at the same or similar cost, how design can result in a well-regarded community landmark, and how community-based care improves patient use and compliance with regimens.

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how facility design facilitates population health goals for a community health clinic, how pod-based layout promotes staff interaction, collaboration, and efficiency, and how the ‘group visit’ room supports patient engagement, education, and continuity of care.

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how talking rooms can complement consultation-based care, how workstation design can help balance a team-based care approach and staff retention efforts, and how design can maximize the accessibility to transportation and community amenities.

Project Brief
February 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how the physical setting of a special care unit for dementia patients can affect their behavior in both positive and negative ways, design features that may help engage residents and foster socialization, and strategic choices of flooring surfaces, flooring transitions, and wayfinding that can help create a safer environment.

Project Brief
March 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: Why every healthcare delivery system should reflect the needs of its community, how reorganizing care teams can improve patient satisfaction without demanding additional resources, and proactive population health modeling tools that enable real-time responses to health trends.

Project Brief
January 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: a streamlined design with easy-to-move furnishings and standardized cleaning products that help Environmental Services staff be more efficient and effective, smart furniture selection that can help reduce cleaning time, and the connection between a clean environment and patient satisfaction.

Project Brief
October 2014 Project Brief

Learn about: how St. Mary's Hospital targeted noise reduction goals for their cardiac care unit, about onsite sound measurements that informed material selection, and about design changes that resulted in reduced noise from the highest sources of sound.