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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

December 2018 Webinar

This webinar explores the impacts architects, planners and interior designers can have on the behavioral health epidemic.  While, as designers, we have little control over funding and other socio-economic factors that contribute to the crisis, but what we do have is the ability to increase efficiency for the caregivers with our designs and the ability to positively enhance the patients experience.  

December 2018 Webinar

This webinar explores how STUDIO E, an ERDMAN Center of Thought Leadership & Innovation in Healthcare, is working with several behavioral health clients on the hypothesis, “Can concepts driving culture change in senior living and other aspects of  healthcare – such as small household design and on-stage/off-stage planning – translate in a behavioral healthcare setting to facilitate an effective balance between safety and patient comfort, dignity, and control?”

October 2018 Related Resource

This list of resources is made of up of policies and organizations related to behavioral and mental health. Use this list to learn more about this topic.

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