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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 5921 - 5940 of 6442

Isolation of Legionella pneumophila from Hospital Shower Heads

Author(s): Cordes, L.G., Wiesenthal, A.M., Gorman, G.W., Phair, J.P., Sommers, H.M., Brown, A., Yu, V.L., Magnussen, M.H., Meyer, R.D., Wolf, J.S., Shands, K.N., Frazer, D.W.
Added October 2012

Healing havens: two hospital gardens in Portland, Oregon, win awards for therapeutic values

Author(s): Cooper Marcus, C.
Added October 2012

Patient-Centered Communication, Ratings of Care, and Concordance of Patient and Physician rRce

Author(s): Cooper, L., Roter, D., Johnson, R., Steinwachs, D., Powe, N.
Added October 2012

Correlation between the prevalence of certain fungi and sick building syndrome

Author(s): Cooley, D., Wong, W., Jumper, C., Straus, D.
Added October 2012

Use of emergency observation and assessment wards: a systematic literature review

Author(s): Cooke, M.W., Higgins, J., Kidd, P.
Added October 2012

Gaps in the continuity of care and progress on patient safety

Author(s): Cook, R.I., Render, M., Woods, D.D.
Added October 2012

Quiet! hospital zone

Author(s): Conti, C.R.
Added October 2012

Aspergillosis: a deadly dust may be in the wind during renovations.

Author(s): American Health Consultants
Added October 2012

Evidence-based design could help quality of care

Added October 2012

The Effect of Social Support and the Work Environment upon Burnout Among Nurses

Author(s): Constable, J., Russell, D.
Added October 2012

Exposures of Hospital Employees to Hazardous Materials

Author(s): Conrad, F.
Added October 2012

Neonatal Intensive Care: Satisfaction Measured From a Parent's Perspective

Author(s): Conner, J.M., Nelson, E.C.
Added October 2012

Role of the environment in falls prevention

Author(s): Connell, B.R.
Added October 2012

Handwashing practices in an intensive care unit: the effects of an educational program and its relationship to infection rates

Author(s): Conly, J.M., Hill, S., Ross, J., Lertzman, J., Louie, T.J.
Added October 2012

Emergency medical service providers' experience with family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Author(s): Compton, S., Madgy, A., Goldstein, M., Sandhu, J., Dunne, R., Swor, R.
Added October 2012

Creating a healing environment

Author(s): Combs, J.A., Rusch, S.C.
Added October 2012

Measurement of Nursing Care Time of Specific Interventions on a Hematology-Oncology Unit Related to Diagnostic Categoriess

Author(s): Colombo, A., Solberg, B., Vanderhoeft, E., Ramsay, G., Schouten, H.C.
Added October 2012

The hospital environment: how clean should a hospital be?

Author(s): Collins, B.J.
Added October 2012

Visual-Based Scheduling: 4D modeling on the San Mateo County Health Center

Author(s): Collier, E., Fischer, M.
Added October 2012

Visiting the mentally handicapped in residential care

Author(s): Colledge, J.
Added October 2012